"A Little Piece of Heaven" - a Christian pop music single by Godley & Creme, taken from their last album, "Goodbye Blue Sky" and why it should have had a fixed-up, modified American wedding cake pop music video, done in an American style, that fits the song with slice of wedding cake clips of Stefan & Chloe, then Sonny & Brenda, taken from different American soap operas instead of the unmodified clouds music video with images enlarging and reducing that spoiled the beauty in a British style
Given the theme of the song, "A Little Piece of Heaven", performed by British pop/rock duo Godley & Creme, an American wedding cake pop music video would be a great fit. The video could feature clips of Stefan & Chloe, then Sonny & Brenda, from different American soap operas.
This would add a more personal touch to the video, as viewers would be able to connect the characters with the story of the song. Furthermore, the visuals would be more vibrant and colorful, and the music video would have a unique American style to it. This would be a great contrast to the unmodified clouds music video that was done in a British style.
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